Show Me Yours And I’ll Show You Mine – Rachel’s Book Launch!

Show Me Yours And I’ll Show You Mine – sounds kinda sexual, doesn’t it? I’ll explain. Not a lot of my friends have lived in Los Angeles for more than a couple of years. That means that we are lucky enough to witness a lot of “first time” pretty regularly. When someone books a role in movie for the first time, signs the first lease or first agency contract – there’s just so much to celebrate all the time!

Even though it feels like 5 summers and 25 seasons of Games Of Thrones ago that we were outside and living our lives, it wasn’t more than weeks ago since we celebrated a milestone in Rachels life. She wrote her first book: “Show Me Yours And I’ll Show You Mine”!

Rachel had the cutest and most fun book launch at a little bar. All our friends were there and her parents flew in from New York! The Book cover is pink and so was the launch! Balloons, tables, books, wall paper, photobooth-corner were all pink, and I had a whole lot of pink Rachel-cake.

Do you remember to celebrate yourself?

When you put months or years of hard work into something, you have to remember to celebrate. Especially when you put so much heart and effort into it. We’re too good at quickly crossing something off our to-do lists and just move on to the next. Be honest, do you remember to throw your hands up in the air and jump around like a little kid, when you do something cool?

We should celebrate ourselves. And each other. Especially each other! If you’re not supporting your friends, then WHO ARE YOU EVEN SUPPORTING. (If you don’t feel supported you might wanna read this blog post)

Rachel Hosper's Book Launch

If you are curious about ” Show Me Yours And I’ll Show You Mine “, read about it right here:

“Got problems? Me too. I feel cheated because when I moved to Los Angeles two years ago, someone with a nice manicure convinced me that there was a fresh-pressed juice to solve every obstacle that arose in my path. The reality that expensive liquid celery would not fix my sticky relationship drama quickly hit me harder than a Trader Joe’s bag full of unripened avocados.

So, are you ready to feel a lot better about all of the mistakes you made in your early twenties? Then you are in the right place. I would like to formally invite you along for the ride through some of the messiest and most embarrassing moments of mine.

While sure to provide a chuckle and some SMH moments, Show Me Yours And I’ll Show You Mine is not quite a self-help book but more of a nostalgic collection of aha moments and memoir brought to you by self-reflection and growth. Step into my mind as I work out why I am the way that I am, and you’ll learn a thing or two about yourself in the process. We will discuss naughty men, my inner child, eating disorders, rescue animals, STIs, breakups, friendships, and how it actually is possible to feel safe in our own chaotic minds even when the world argues otherwise. “

Buy the book here!

And if you want to say hello to Rachel (or invite her on a date) you can shoot your shot on her Instagram @rachelhospers .

Rachel Hospers Book


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