10 Things I learned from living abroad
1. Everything is figureoutable and you’re stronger than you think When you live abroad and out of your comfort zone you’ll be in so many situations where your family and friends can’t just like, help you. You have to figure…
F*ck, I compare myself to others, what do I do!
LA is the biggest pretend-city in the whole world. I know it, you know it, we all know it. Love to be here, loving the people, but dang.. When you look around, it looks like everyone else has it together.…
Things To Do When Visiting LA – My go-to’s
Things To Do When Visiting LA – Listen, you can only see the Hollywood sign so many times until it gets boring.. I LOVE having friends and family visit me in LA, since there’s literally always something to do! I…
Dancers and period cramps – A 16 step Survival Guide
Period cramps – “Is it that time of the month?” If you mean that time of the month where I once again remember how women are the most superior species on this floating ball called Planet Earth, then yes. It’s…
Apartment Tour
Hi, hello, welcome to the little K-town home here in LA! IG @mathilde.veje xxx
* Blink twice if you’re alive * updates from the West Coast
To be honest with you, I had absolutely no effing clue if this blog would *ever* make a comeback. After a full pandemic year of writing about my dance life, experiences, tips and tricks, what China, LA, Paris and Denmark…
My life – Mathilde in Mexico City
A segment on this blog I don’t update too often [read: never] is the “my life” section. I, like many others like to think: “Uhm, is there anything to say about my life that wouldn’t bore people to death?”. I…
Goal setting – My personal monthly goals! How to be productive, not busy.
Goal setting – Learning how to be productive and not just busy, has been the hardest thing for me personally. Maybe you’re a “To-Do-List-Queen” like me, who loves waking up to a prewritten list of 40 things you need to…
Life update: Leaving Denmark
Life update: I came back from L.A to Denmark in March 2020. You know, because of the pandemic. I was sure I’d be able to fly back to the States after a week or two. “No big deal, it’s over…
What it’s like to be a work study at Millennium Dance Complex, LA
Growing up I would spend hours and hours watching YouTube videos of my dance-superheros training and rehearsing in front of the iconic red walls at Millennium Dance Complex in Los Angeles. I remember the overwhelming emotions of joy when I…